Fur Balls Game

Mobile Controls

Kongregate free online game Fur Ball - A nice cute little game, eat squid and you will grow bigger. Spacebar to eat the enemy, if you. Fur Ball Flash Game - Over 20,000 free online games and adding 10 more every Monday - Friday! This game just keeps getting more amazing very new predator that is added. ^^ Goia is especially a new fave of mine with all the possibilities with him and all the escape denial from the mouth he does, absolutely adore the preds that push and gulp the prey back in and down.

  • Spin – Play a round (=spins the reels)

  • Stop – Stop spin

  • Skip – Skip animations

  • Auto - Bet – Opens Auto-bet settings

  • Pay Table – Opens the pay table pages

  • Home/Lobby – Exit game to home/lobby of host

  • Settings – Opens Settings page of game

  • Bet – Display the stake for the current round. When pressed, opens the bet value drop box.

  • Balance – Display player balance

  • Win – Display current round total win

  • Clock – Display time of current player session
Fur Balls Game

All game settings and info pagessuch as help and pay-table are accessed by pressing the settings icon.

Setting Auto-bet - Mobile

The player need to press the auto-bet floating icon, right above the spin icon, in order to enter the auto-bet settings page.
Auto-bet settings can also be reached through the game settings (Settings=>Auto-bet)

Game Auto-bet screen

Generic Auto-bet scheme

Auto-bets Limits:

  • Loss Limit (numeric value) - Pauses the auto bet function (see below) when the total loss of the user so far (SUM(bet)-SUM(win)) >= (numeric value)

  • Single Win (numeric value)or more.

  • Win Limit (numeric value)
  • Stop on a Feature - When free spins is won or a bonus game, auto bet deactivates.

  • Each limit can be turned on or off by pressing on the onoff button next to it.

  • To set the number of auto-bets rounds, the player picks the desired value from the top list of optional values by pressing on the desired value. The selection mark is set on the last settings.

  • When a limit is reached and the Auto-bet stops, a message pops in the center of the screen reading according to the limit:
    • 'Loss limit reached'
    • 'Win limit reached'
    • 'Single win reached'
    • 'Win reached'
    • 'Feature reached'

Message will fade out after 5 sec or on any tapping (screen or button pressed)

To exit the auto bet panel, the player can:

  • Start the auto-bet rounds by pressing “START”.
  • Exit auto-bet completely by pressing the “return to game” button on the right.

Auto-bet Active View:

When the auto-bet is activated, the player is returned to the game view.
The spin button is replaced by a counter displaying the remaining auto-bet rounds. The auto-bet button is changed into “Stop auto-bet” icon.
Clicking on the “stop auto-bet” or on the counter, stops the auto bet and returns to regular game mode.

Game Settings Page

  • Setting sound – Ambiance Sound – enabling or disabling background music.
  • Setting sound –Sound effects – enabling or disabling sound effect.
  • Full Screen – enabling or disabling Full screen mode- this option is not available on iOS.

Generic game setting, may change from game to game or between platforms

The following instructions explain how to play classic schoolyard four square that I learned in the 4th grade. What I describe here is a two-hand four square variation I prefer because it works well for every skill level and volleys tend to last longer. I still play using this variation most of the time.

Why four square is a perfect activity

  • Four square is easy to learn and doesn’t require expensive equipment.
  • The game provides hours of fun for children and adults. It’s fun at any age.
  • It’s an activity that inspires social interaction.
  • Four square is excellent for developing hand-eye coordination.
  • Four square provides a low-impact exercise alternative for people at almost any fitness level.

What you need to play four square

The number of players

4 or more players is best. If you have more than 4 players, that’s fine because four square allows players to rotate into the game from the sideline. You can also play with 2 or 3 players by adjusting the rules for two square or three square variations.

Where to play

Any hard and flat surface like a smooth concrete driveway.


Chalk. This can be used to mark the court.

A properly inflated four square ball. This is essentially a rubber playground ball. I found an excellent listing of four square balls on Amazon. I have used the Mikasa brand, but there are a number of other companies that make highly rated rubber playground balls. Any decent playground ball will do the trick.

The objective of four square

The objective of four square is to eliminate other players so that you can advance and hold the server position (the highest quadrant). The game centers around a one-bounce rule. Players must allow the ball to bounce one time in their own quadrant before returning the ball to another player’s quadrant. Failure to return the ball results in an ordinal rotation. For example, if a player in the highest quadrant misses the ball they rotate to the lowest quadrant, while the other players advance in the rotation one quadrant higher.

Four square court setup

The best four square court setup takes into consideration the types of players. For example, if small children are playing then you would probably do better with a smaller court size. You will learn the best court size through trial and error. The great thing about using chalk to outline your court is that it isn’t permanent. So you can adjust as needed until you get a perfect size.


I play with a group of adults and children of mixed ages. We tend toward a smaller 12′ x 12′ court size to accommodate our group. I would likely change the size of the court depending on the age and experience level of the players. Other common dimensions include a 16′ x 16′ court size.

Here is an example of a 12-foot court setup with a server’s box of approximately 20 square inches. A sideline is an optional feature used for extra players to rotate into the game. It’s best to locate the sideline somewhere near quadrant D because that’s the starting quadrant (lowest quadrant).

Rules to play four square

I. Getting into position…

Each player chooses one of the four quadrants to occupy: A, B, C, or D. The youngest player gets to start as the server. Additional players stand behind the sideline awaiting their rotation into the game. The player in A quadrant is the server and holds the ball until all players acknowledge they are ready to begin. The illustration represents a four square game consisting of five players.

Note: The server remains inside the server’s box until the ball is served. The server is free to roam anywhere within quadrant A after the serve.

II. The server starts the game…

The server drops the ball in front of them to produce a single bounce. When the ball comes up from the single bounce, the server hits the ball with open hands performing an underhand serve. I’ll call this single bounce + hit. After the single bounce + hit, the ball must enter and then bounce inside any of the other players’ squares to be considered a good serve. If the serve is successful, then the game is officially in play. If a fault happens the server gets a second try. If the server faults on their second try the server loses their position and all players rotate. Game rotation is explained in part IV below.

A review of a proper four square serve:

1) Stand inside the server’s box. Note: For younger children, the server’s box may be too far away from other player’s quadrants. Adjust the rules accordingly like allowing the child to serve from anywhere within quadrant A.

2) Bounce the ball once in front of you for a single bounce + hit.

3) The proper way to serve the ball is underhand with open hands (the inside of the hand). Both hands must contact the ball simultaneously so it’s good practice to keep your hands close together. Think of the single bounce + hit as sort of like a scooping or underhand pushing motion.

4) Your single bounce + hit must propel the ball directly into any player’s quadrant so that the ball strikes the ground (bounces) inside a player’s quadrant.

5) An improper serve results in a fault. Faults include:

  • Not standing in the server’s box during the serve.
  • Hitting the ball with one hand or hitting the ball with some other part of the body.
  • An overhand serve.
  • The server holds or carries the ball during the serve.
  • The ball does not reach another player’s quadrant (falls short).
  • The ball goes out of bounds.

6) You get a second try if you fault on your first serve.

7) When the ball lands on any line during a serve it’s considered a do-over and does not count as a fault. A server gets an unlimited number of do-overs. For a do-over to be considered legitimate it has to be called out immediately by any player. Otherwise, the ball will be considered in play. This rule only applies to serves. In ongoing gameplay, any line bounce is considered to be out.

III. Now that the ball is in play…

1) Remember the one-bounce rule. A player must allow the ball to bounce once in their own quadrant before hitting the ball to another player’s quadrant. When a player fails to return a ball it’s commonly referred to as an out. A player is considered to be out if they do not return the ball after that first bounce or if they hit the ball out of bounds. Things that will get you out are explained under #4 below.

2) Players always return the ball with two open hands (the inside of the hand). Both hands must contact the ball simultaneously so it’s good practice to keep your hands close together. Hitting the ball overhand is allowed as long as both hands contact the ball simultaneously. This differs from serving which always requires the underhand method previously explained.

Tip: Hitting the ball does not require a strict flat-hand return. It’s natural that the fingers of both hands may be used to propel the ball much like how you would set in volleyball. The important thing is that both hands make contact with the ball.

3) There is no spiking in this variation of four square. You can tell if someone is spiking the ball if they are predominantly using their palms to hit the ball.

4) Things that will get you out include:

Furball Game

  • The ball goes out of bounds.
  • The ball does not reach another player’s quadrant (falls short).
  • The ball hits any quadrant line or boundary line.
  • One-handed returns, spiking the ball, and/or holding/carrying the ball.
  • Returning the ball with any other part of your body besides your hands.
  • Physically entering another player’s quadrant when it’s not your ball (interference). This also includes returning a ball that did not bounce in your square.

5) In competitive gameplay, disputes can occur. Before starting the game try and form an issue resolution plan. For our group, we have a majority vote whenever there are things like line disputes. To settle disputes we often allow a do-over in certain situations. You can also designate a sideline player or spectator to assist in making difficult judgment calls.

IV. A player is OUT. It’s time to rotate…

Rotation is like a promotion if you are doing well. You advance one quadrant. On the other hand, if you get out then you are demoted all the way to the bottom from whatever quadrant you had achieved. In the example below, you will see that the server (the girl in yellow) in quadrant A missed the ball so she moves to the sideline. The boy in the green shirt then advances to A and becomes the new server. The girl in the blue shirt in quadrant C advances to B, and the boy in D moves to C. The girl on the sideline now gets to play and will enter quadrant D.

Fur Balls Game For Kids